Product Carbon Intelligence

Unlock Efficiency: Effortlessly Craft Product Footprints with PCI

Say goodbye to complexity. Our PCI solution simplifies carbon footprint creation, serving as your organization's single source of truth for product emissions in the cloud. Experience unmatched scalability and speed, while gaining invaluable insights into your environmental impact.

Our solution

Machine learning for calculating your product carbon footprints

Give your company data-driven insights to make climate-friendly decisions in business areas. creates detailed CO₂ balances fully automatically using powerful AI algorithms that are continuously improving through machine learning. These enable scalable calculation without the recurring use of expensive external consultants or your own personnel capacities.

Our solution provides you with the means to collect input data consistently and independently of the source system and to facilitate the exchange of results with stakeholders. This allows you to focus on your core business while driving forward the decarbonization of the supply chain.

Calculate the CO₂ footprint of your products with AI

Natural Language-based Emission factor matching

Seamlessly connect diverse data sources to appropriate emission factors with our intuitive natural language technology, accelarating your calculation efforts.

Comprehensive Emission Factor Database

Access over 30,000 emission factors from leading sources like ecoInvent and EXIOBASE, empowering informed decision-making backed by robust data.

Integrated Transport Calculation

Utilize EcoTransit integration for precise multi-modal transport calculations, offering unparalleled detail and accuracy for your supply chain logistics.

Carbon Footprint Analytics

Uncover actionable insights into your carbon footprint's key areas and categories, empowering targeted sustainability strategies at every product level.

ISO 14067 Validation

Trust in our PCI solution, validated by GUTCert, providing a reliable framework and results in accordance with ISO 14067 standards, enhancing credibility and compliance.

Your benefits at a glance

Accuracy and compliance

Our tool ensures reliable and standard-compliant accounting of CO₂ emissions. It provides data you can rely on to make decisions.

Efficiency and scalability

Automation and data integration eliminate the need for manual data collection and analysis, saving time and resources. Our solution can perform extensive assessments for millions of products and is therefore highly scalable.

Insights and visualization

Intuitive visualizations and actionable insights enable you to identify key emissions, track progress over time, and effectively communicate results to stakeholders.

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Our latest news and insights

"Who Cares Wins" – this was the title of the first ESG report in 2004. 20 years later, this thesis is still proving itself. More than ever. In the highly competitive global economy, adopting sustainable practices in the supply chain is not just a moral choice, but a strategic necessity. 

Demand Forecasting

Sustainability as Strategy: The New Frontier in Supply Chain Management

Demand Forecasting

Decarbonization meets artificial intelligence

Demand Forecasting

Applications of demand forecasting in various industries

Let's work together to ensure the sustainable success of your company.

During the initial consultation, we evaluate your project goals and offer you tailor-made support. From specific ideas to complex consulting via demand forecasting and carbon intelligence — use our for maximum business success!

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